Hi! Thanks for taking a look at my TES shop! I am an MFL teacher with a specific interest in numeracy skills within language learning. I previously taught primary maths and I am also interested in developing hands-on activities which aid learning.
Hi! Thanks for taking a look at my TES shop! I am an MFL teacher with a specific interest in numeracy skills within language learning. I previously taught primary maths and I am also interested in developing hands-on activities which aid learning.
A fun and engaging activity to revise and practise vocabulary and phrases for le petit boulot (part time jobs in French) at Key Stage 4. This resource covers part time jobs, household chores and future plans.
Pupils work individually or in small groups to find clues from the 10 texts in order to solve the mission.
Simply print and place the texts around the classroom. Pupils read the texts and answer the questions to find the code words. Code words are recorded on the answer grid. Pupils then need to unscramble the mystery word which, in turn, helps them to find the mystery person.
Resource includes:
Teacher notes
Pupil instructions
10 texts
Teacher answer key
Blank answer sheets for pupils